CSS Selectors

Posted: 03/04/19

Notes on CSS selectors.

Child Selectors

  • Descendant: #main p {font-size: 24px; } Targets all <p> elements that are nested inside of the #main element.
  • Direct Child: .sale > span { font-weight: bold; } Targets any <span> element nested directly inside of any element .sale applied. Unlike the descendant selector, the span must be directly inside of .sale.
  • Adjacent Sibling: .sale + p { color: red; } Targets any <p> that immediately follows an element with .sale applied.
  • General Sibling: .sale ~ p { color: red; } Targets any <p> that follows an element with .sale applied.

What is a CSS combinator?

  • A combinator is the symbol between 2 elements.
  • There are 4 combinators in CSS.
    • descendant selector ` `
    • child selector >
    • adjacent sibling selector +
    • general sibling selector ~


  • First Child: p:first-child { margin-right: 10px; }, Targets the first <p> child of any element.
  • Last Child: div:last-child { margin-bottom: 50px; }, Works the same as first child but for the last child element.
  • Only Child: div span:only-child { margin: 10px;}, Targets a <span> that is the only element inside of a <div>.
  • Empty: :empty targets any element no content or child elements.

Attribute selectors

  • Equals: input[type="submit"] { background: lightgrey; }
    • Styles an element based on the value of a particular attribute, also supports existence of an an attribute as well as multiple attributes in the same rule.
  • Begins with: a[href^="https://"] { color: goldenrod; }, Targets any link whose href begins with https://
  • Ends with: a[href$=".html"] { color: lightblue; }, Targets any link whose href ends in .html
  • Contains: img[src*="preview"] { width: 100%; }, Targets any image whose src contains the word preview


  • Pseudo-elements allow for targeting content on the page without targeting a particular element. Pseudo-elements serve 2 functions in CSS.
    • Selecting first line / first letter of an element
    • Inserting virtual elements before / after a targeted element
  • First line: p::first-line { font-variant: small-caps; }, target first line of text in every <p> element.
  • First letter: p::first-letter { font-size: 2em; }, target the first letter of text in every <p> element to create what is known as a drop cap as it drops below the baseline of the text.
  • Before: a[href^="mailto:"]::before { content: "\2709"; }, Places an envelope icon in front of any mailto: links.
  • After: Works similar to how ::before and puts the inserted content after the targeted element.
  • Note: Pseudo-elements use :: whereas pseudo-classes use :


  • Target Specific Number: li:nth-child (n+3) { background: red; }, Targets the 3rd <li> of any element.
  • Target Every <li>, starting with the third <li>, li:nth-child (n+3) { background: red; }
  • Target every other <li>
    • Starting from the 1: li:nth-child (2n+1) or more simply li:nth-child(odd)
    • Starting from 0: li:nth-child (2n+0) or more simply li:nth-child(even)
  • Target every second <li>, starting from the third li:nth-child (2n+3)
  • Target the first 2 <li>s, li:nth-child(-n+2)
  • Target the third to ninth ``<li>`s, this can be done by combining 2 selectors into One
    • First, target every <li> starting with the fourth, li:nth-child(n+4)
    • Second, target every <li> starting from the the eighth, li:nth-child(-n+8)`
    • These can be combined together li:nth-child(n+4):nth-child(-n+8)


  • Works the same as nth-child, to target the third <li>, li:nth-of-type(3) { background: red; }

Other Advanced Selectors

  • Disabled: input: disabled { background: grey; }, Targets any element that is disabled.
  • Checked: :checked { border: 3px solid lightgreen; }, Targets any element that is checked
  • Root: :root { margin: 20px; }, Targets the element at the root of the document, in HTML that is <html>, CSS can be used on files other than HTML such as SVG and XML though.
  • Target: When using ids links inside the same page, :target can target the element that has the id in the link. #nav:target { background: lightgrey; }
  • Not: input:not([type="button"]) { border: none; }, Targets all non-button input elements.